
[YOR Scam]? Or Make Money For Free? *EXPOSED*

2008-10-18 1 Dailymotion

http://www.TeamwithTerell.ws Yor.com Scam...... 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 20 Jan Discussion about Yor.com Scam....... Speak your mind about MLM / Pyramid Scams and be heard here at scam.com. yor.com/net fraud help pls get word out - Page 2 - WORLD Law ... Based on what you say here, you could file suit against them (or at least threaten to do so) in small claims court or in regular court; filing in. yor.com/net fraud help pls get word out - WORLD Law Direct Forums 10 posts - Last post: 12 May 2007 yor.com/net fraud help pls get word out] ... well i just was recently ova there with yor and what i did was go 2 trainings and diff events ... Rip-off Report: Yor.net major scam - Be Aware of this pyramid scam ... 20 Oct 2006 ... Yor.net major scam - Be Aware of this pyramid scam Ripoff ... For all of you that have come accross or are considering joining yor.net. ... Rip-off Report: Yor.com Yor Voice Yor.net Dennis Wong Michael Mo ... 3 Jun 2007 ... SCAM. YOR.COM'S founders Found Guilty by FTC of Pyrimid Practices. Guilty Guilty . SCAM YOR Vocie Yor losing your money Pasadena California. yor.net - dslreports.com The YOR Health product line offers people the opportunity to improve their health and discover a path to financial freedom. YOR seeks to empower and educate people with the knowledge and tools to optimize health and discover their potential for financial success. The YOR Health culture is based on an integrated approach to health and to business. YOR has tailored its training programs to give its distibutors the sales and marketing tools to develop their business and to encourage their personal developemnt. YOR gives its distributors tools, training and information to make YOR Health an opportunity that works for them. 42 posts - 16 authors - Last post: 30 Jan 2007 Go to the Google or Yahoo search engines -- type in "yor.net scam" -- hit the ENTER key, sit back, and read the multiple responses regarding ... Yor.net, A scam or is it legit? Can you really make money? - Yahoo ... I ...